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Toddler Prep Program

Full class description of our unique learning options for 1 - 2.5 year old learners. 

Toddler Transition and Exploration 


Classes: 2 Days (Tuesday - Thursday)

Age Range: 1 - 2 years old 

Class Time Slots: 2:00 - 4:00 P.M


Welcome to the Little Nest's toddler prep program: Toddler Transition and Exploration, this class is specifically designed for young children ages one and a half to two years old, who are in the early stages of separating from their parents and caregivers. Our primary goal is to create a safe and nurturing environment where toddlers can gradually adapt to being away from their loved ones while engaging in a variety of play-based activities that enhance their educational, sensory, and fine motor skills.


With a small class size limit of five students, our highly experienced and gentle teachers provide personalized attention to each child, fostering a sense of security and trust. The class runs for two hours, allowing for a balanced schedule of interactive sessions and free play, ensuring that toddlers receive a healthy mix of structured learning and unstructured exploration.


Activities in the class are designed to be age-appropriate and developmentally stimulating. Through play, children are encouraged to express their creativity, interact with their peers, and explore their rapidly expanding world. Sensory activities, such as finger painting, sensory bins, and texture exploration, help your child build their cognitive, emotional, and physical development. Fine motor skill activities, such as stacking blocks, threading beads, and using playdough, strengthen their hand-eye coordination, dexterity, and concentration.


Our qualified teachers implement a structured routine that includes circle time, storytime, music, and movement to actively engage the children in group activities. During circle time, children are introduced to age-appropriate concepts like shapes, colors, numbers, and simple vocabulary, preparing them for future educational milestones. Story time helps develop language skills, imagination, and attentiveness, while music and movement activities promote physical coordination, rhythm recognition, and social interaction.


Toddler Transition and Exploration class acts as a gentle and gradual stepping stone towards building social independence in your child. We celebrate small achievements, ensure that each child feels loved and valued, and establish a foundation of trust and friendship. Our class provides a supportive and enriching environment that nurtures the holistic growth of your child, preparing them for future educational experiences.

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